Effective transportation regardless of grind size, aeration during transportation and fat percentage
Fish meal can greatly vary in consistency depending in grind size, what kind of fish it is made from, by season, quality and how many days after catch the fish was processed.
Extensive expertise about fish meal
Transportation and distribution of fish meal therefore requires systems and machinery that are able to process all the various consistencies it may have. FM Bulk Handling – Fjordvejs has a lot of experience and know-how from many years of work on systems to transport fish meal effectively.
We supply systems such as screw conveyors, chain conveyors and bucket elevators, as well as ship loaders for transportation and management reliability in the fish meal industry.

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A system that will increase the value of your fish meal
We can also supply mixer systems to add antioxidants that will eliminate salmonella in fish meal and homogenisation systems to mix the meal to a homogeneous consistency, assuring uniform protein content. When combined with precise dosage systems, your fish meal increases its value, for example when you can supply the exact protein content required by your customer in the meal you supply to them.
Aeration, fat percentages – we understand the conditions to ensure efficient transportation
Is your fish meal aerated or non-aerated? What is the fat percentage? Tell us about your transportation and processing requirements and the possible nature of your fish meal. Together we will develop a solution to process your fish meal; every day all year round, with stability.